Hi there, friend!
Hannah Riddle,
Early Education Professional,
Bilingual Momma T-rex
The basics! I've been an early education professional since 2011. I've worked as a preschool teacher, center director, adjunct faculty member, trainer, program manager, family child care program and the list goes on.
My son was born in 2019 and I underestimated how deeply becoming a mother would impact my life. I lost my identity and suffered with postpartum anxiety. In order to be well, I had to overhaul my life and find alignment- basically rediscovering myself with my new identity of being a mother. Four years and a spiritual awakening later, Iris parenting was born!
Healing caregivers, thriving children
I particularly love this quote from Brené Brown, "Every single person has a story that will break your heart. And if you're paying attention, many people... have a story that will bring you to your knees. Nobody rides for free."
Becoming a mother brought me to my knees. It was a beautiful, messy, rage-filled ordeal (and honestly, still continues to be at times). Through the lens of motherhood I had to re-heal many of my past wounds.
My background as an early educator gave me insight into the science of child development, and why it was essential to heal my own wounds if I was really going to live in my integrity and not pass on generational trauma.
This healing is work that is done in community. Raising children is meant to be done in community. Supporting parents is meant to be done in community. That led me here, to create Iris Parenting- supporting intentional, responsive, integrated and soulful parents.
I invite you to work with me if you are:
a new parent looking for community
dedicated to using child development science and research to inform your parenting
interested in learning more about energy work
trying to parent your children differently than how you were parented
interrupting generational trauma patterns in your family
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a new mom group?
New mom groups are intended for women with newborns between 1 week and 3 months old. We talk about topics ranging from breastfeeding, mental health, and other topics related to the period of deep change and adjustment.
What is a toddler parent group?
These groups are intended for parents of children between 1 and 2 years old. In addition to receiving support from other parents we cover information about toddler development and strategies for teaching toddlers and guiding their behavior.